Thursday, October 24, 2013

Baby Fever

Well here comes winter and you know what that means…. baby making season. Last year my husband and I found out that not only was his sister expecting another one on the way but we also got the news that his best friend and his wife were also expecting their first. Fast forward 9 months later and on September 22nd his sister gave birth to a little girl and just 6 days later our friends had their baby girl as well. My husband and I live about 8 hours from his family and friends so once both babies had arrived we packed up our car and made a weekend trip to meet the new additions. Talk about a bitter sweet trip, while I am so happy for my sister-in-law and our friends, it makes me become a green eye monster that my husband and I do not have our own little bundle of joy yet. I get that you shouldn’t grow up to fast and the grass is not always greener on the other side but there is something about a new born baby that makes my ovaries ache for a baby.

I know the easy solution would just be to just start trying for a family of our own but those damn adult responsibilities seem to be standing in our way. While the time may never be perfect to start trying my husband and I have talked (until we are blue in the face) about where we would like to be in our lives before we have kids, the only downside is I swear the list grows with reasons to put it off all the time. At first we just wanted to wait until we were married, well right before we got married he started school. Then it was we wanted to wait until he was done with school. Well Mr Hubby has been done with school since May and we have decided to not only wait until I am done with school which is December of 2014 but we want to be in our own home (not renting) before a little one comes along.

So here I am stuck waiting until our “perfect” time while people around us are getting pregnant and having babies. I moped around the house for a couple weeks and then I decided to start this blog. I wanted to document my journey to getting my body ready for the cute little baby bump I yearn to have. I have struggled with my weight my entire life, made fun of it all through high school and then spiraled out of control when I went to college. It was not until September 2010 that I decided to get serious about losing weight because I was getting married in a year. I joined the gym, had an amazing gym buddy, and lost 60 pounds before my big day. I had never felt so great and in shape as I did when I got married. Well fast forward 2 years and my weight has fluctuated so much. It was easy for me to eat right and workout when I had a goal like my wedding but once that goal had come and gone so did the eating right and working out. So I have a new goal, get a baby bump body! Eat right, workout, and prepare my body for baby.

I have a little over a year before my husband and I have agreed to actively start trying, I will be done with school by then and we plan to purchase our first home before July 2015 (when our lease is up). I am currently not on any form of birth control but I do actively log my cycle so I have a pretty good idea of when precautions need to be taken. I figure I will give that aspect up to God and if I get pregnant before then there is a reason for that. So this year I will not be participating in baby making season but I’ll be damned if I don’t have my baby bump body ready for the next season.

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